Kayla Stowers
Well, hello there! I assume if you are on this page you'd like to hear a bit about me... I'd be happy to oblige.
January 19th, 2008 is the day my life changed for the better, it is the day I started living for something more than myself. January 19th, 2008 is the day I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The LDS church is one of the biggest, most important things in my life, and the major reason I am who I am today.
I am a college graduate! I graduated in July of 2012 with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education. My time spent at BYU-Idaho changed me in ways I could have never imagined four years ago. In a town so small a tiny explosion could completely obliterate it, I grew larger than I could have in any other place. If you know anything about BYU-Idaho, you know that its nickname is "BYU-I do." I am happy to report I managed to escape without getting engaged or married. I have been teaching 5th grade in Utah for the past two years. I recently decided to go back to school to get a bachelors in math-so I will be doing that come fall of 2015. The future has an incredible amount in store for me. "What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet." Romans 8:31 "If God be for us, who can be against us?" I know the road ahead of me will not be perfectly paved. There will be moments I will want to turn around, avoid the treacherous moments ahead, return to the safety of the past; but that it is now how we get stronger. The hard moments in life, those times we feel like we are completely alone, when we wonder why we are being punished, are the moments we have to decide whether we are going to accept the challenge and grow or let the trial overtake us and become weaker. I refuse to let my weaknesses define me. With God on my side I will become all that I am meant to be.
My family, religion, and friends are my life but coming in a close 4th, 5th, and 6th are food, sleep, and music. I don't think I could go a day without any of those. I despise phones but I don't know what I would do without them. My greatest fear is failure, which I am slowly but surely turning into an asset. My favorite team is the San Francisco Giants, the passion of which has been ignited even more so within the past five years. I am one of the biggest dorks you will ever meet, but proudly so.
Life is taking me in ways I never could have imagined and I couldn't be happier, I guess that goes to show His plan is better than my own. I am proud of the person I have become and thank everyone that has played a part in that. I cannot wait to see the person I have yet to turn into, because I know I still have a ways to go. I'm not perfect and would never claim to be, in fact I would say the exact opposite; but I am striving each day to better myself and learn from the many mistakes I make.